26 August 2010
the next step
06 April 2010
10 minutes
I also want to write about Bolivia and the bicycle death road lined with crosses and the jungle and the beauty and the poverty and the intense conversations that Josh and I always seem to find ourselves in.
If I had more than 6 minutes left, I would talk about the crazy Brits I am staying with and the Easter beach parties and the rasta that makes me breakfast every morning.
But alas, I will save these tales for another date. Perhaps I will have some quality time with the Internet in Florida. Until then...
11 March 2010
how fitting, my departure
24 February 2010
tierra santa

21 February 2010
Tigre, BA, Colonia, Montevideo, BA again, Asunción, La Paz, Trinidad & Tobago, Grenada, Ft. Lauderdale, Detroit, Philly!!
17 February 2010
doing stuff
11 February 2010
my paycheck
02 February 2010
excuse me miss?
31 January 2010
I love you Uruguay!!!!

27 January 2010
face to face
25 January 2010
the right place
18 January 2010
mira mi sonrisa
Getting letters like this absolutely makes my day. This one, from a college friend, literally made me cry. I know a lot of people think what I am doing is silly and just putting off the inevitable but I also now know a lot more people admire my choices and even though I know I am exactly where I need to be right now, it feels so fantastic to have support of the people I love.
Thank you ladies!!!!!
fool me once, shame on you
Since I last wrote I’ve had a series of highs and lows. First the good news – the job is going really well. I’m still poor as dirt, but I’m already comfortable and I’ve made some new friends. Every weekend, we have a little fiesta at the hostal, grab some tourists and take them out with us. From what I’ve seen so far, Martin makes a little game by picking a different one each week to make out with. (Job perks?) Anyway, we went out this past Friday and guess what? I got robbed… again. After one blissful week of unlimited cell phone use, I have now been hurtled back to an almost non-existent social life. And they took my money, but good thing I had already paid my rent, went grocery shopping and bought a beer leaving the ladron with about $4, which was all of my money for the rest of the month. I hope (s)he was pissed. Emily, my roommate won’t admit that this is the 3rd time I’ve gotten robbed so I guess it’s up for debate. Let me give you a rundown.
1. First time, pick-pocketed on the subway in Buenos Aires. Tori was technically holding the bag, but my stuff was in it as well. Neither of realized until we got off at the next stop.
2. I put my camera on a table at the New Year’s party we crashed and when I went back up to get it, it was gone. Stupidity, yes. But if it wasn’t taken (robbed), it would have still been there, right?
3. Dancing at a disco, I realized my $4 and crappy cell phone were gone when I went outside to get some air and the trusty Budweiser fanny pack was gaping open. Oddly enough, my ipod was still inside. This resulted in me sitting on the sidewalk in tears and ranting about how I was getting on the next plane back to Philadelphia.
I just felt so stupid for having been taken for a fool, three times in South America in the time span of one month. But, as a friend who lived in Peru for three years said to me before I left, “Yeah, you’ll definitely want to bring your computer, because you’re going to miss all your music when your ipod gets stolen.” So I guess it’s just part of the adventure. I haven’t been hurt (physically) and I still have my passport. And ipod, but that will probably get taken in Bolivia.
11 January 2010
what's better?
08 January 2010
this week - onions on sale!!!!
the subject i know you are all dying to know about

Okay, so I've had 3 days of the job so far. And it's getting better. Thank God. Although I am unable to help everybody who comes to me with questions, (either because of the language or because of my slightly more than cursory knowledge of Montevideo) I can successfully make a reservation in Spanish, show them their room, tell them where the bathroom is, that breakfast is included and give them a basic overview of the city. YESSSS!!!!
04 January 2010
not only did i complete an interview in spanish - they actually hired me!!!!
01 January 2010
a person i barely knew became my saving grace in a strange city
So I insist (more now knowing that u'd love to come out tonight!) I am working right now but at 8pm I'm out of here. from where do I've to pick u up?