Below are photos of Tierra Santa and it's in Buenos Aires. We read about this magical place in Lonely Planet and the description "the world's only religious-themed amusement park" intrigued us. Neither of us are religious, which will become more and more obvious as this post goes on. In fact, before I came here, my mom told me I should be careful with my indifference towards God considering 95% of this continent is Catholic. I knew that but it was confirmed when I found the "Jesus pier" in Montevideo where every piece of graffiti is Jesus/God related. Too bad my camera was taken before I could grab some shots of that. Anyway, please enjoy these photos below and stop reading if you are easily offended.

hahahahha, i love the picture of you with the black hands! omg i just died... they actually filmed this place in religulous.... hilarious. in less than 2 months i get to see you!!!!!!!