18 January 2010

mira mi sonrisa

Getting letters like this absolutely makes my day. This one, from a college friend, literally made me cry. I know a lot of people think what I am doing is silly and just putting off the inevitable but I also now know a lot more people admire my choices and even though I know I am exactly where I need to be right now, it feels so fantastic to have support of the people I love.

"Hiiii!!!!! First off let me say I miss you sooo much!!! It has been way too many months which is hard to get used to after college! I just wanted to send you a message because I just got caught up on reading your blog, which is so entertaining!!! I look forward to reading it every time you update. I wanted to message you though because a common theme is how you seem frustrated because you still have the language barrier and aren't completely comfortable and I wanted to hopefully give you some perspective from someone else. I remember during college when you told me how you admired me leaving Maryland and going somewhere new for college and you just stayed in pennsylvania and believe me, whatever you felt then is magnified by a million of how I feel for you. You have done what I can only dream of doing and I am in awe of you and truly jealous that you have accomplished what I probably never will. You have picked up and changed your life by moving to another country for a period of time, integrating yourself with a country and lifestyle that is a complete opposite of what you are used to. You are not only immersing yourself with the culture but you got a job!!!!! Whenever you feel inadequate just look back and see what you have accomplished and that far far outweighs anything that you lack. I could not say it enough that I am in awe of you and I really can't even put in to words how much I admire what you are doing. Again, you are doing what I only wish I could. What many people only wish they could. Your blogs bring me closer to that and I completely mean it when I say that reading them often makes my day. Your writing gives me hope and inspiration that one day I can have even a little bit of what you have done and seen during these past few months. You are so hard on yourself and I just wanted to tell you to step back and see yourself from anothers view and how you inspire confidence and are an inspiration. Out of anyone I met at Drexel you are doing the most and you have come the furthest and I am so proud and happy to know you. So be safe, remember your accomplishments, and I love and miss you!!"

This other one, from a girl who I met very briefly had the same effect. She was traveling in South America a few years ago and met a Uruguayan, who is now her husband.

"Thanks for dinner last night. It was great to catch up. I think you are all on a fantastic track. Rafael always talks about how important it is for Americans to travel and live outside the country to realize how fortunate we have it. After we left he was complementing you all for living here and hard as it may be at times with language, money, new friendships, etc, you really are challenging yourselves to learn, grow, and get a new perspective on life. An experience that most Americans never step outside the box to get. So, way to go....enjoy the ups and downs as they come. :)"

Thank you ladies!!!!!

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