24 February 2010

tierra santa

Below are photos of Tierra Santa and it's in Buenos Aires. We read about this magical place in Lonely Planet and the description "the world's only religious-themed amusement park" intrigued us. Neither of us are religious, which will become more and more obvious as this post goes on. In fact, before I came here, my mom told me I should be careful with my indifference towards God considering 95% of this continent is Catholic. I knew that but it was confirmed when I found the "Jesus pier" in Montevideo where every piece of graffiti is Jesus/God related. Too bad my camera was taken before I could grab some shots of that. Anyway, please enjoy these photos below and stop reading if you are easily offended.

The entrance. Tori is the knight.

When you first go in, there are plaster sculptures of stories from the bible. This is Adam & Eve and the precise point where I lost it.

The light show. Everyone is very serious and quiet. I peed my pants.

A good over-all view of what the place looks like, plastic palm trees and all.

This is me. With black hands.

These women asked us to take a photo of them with their camera. Luckily, Tori got one with hers as well. The one in the pink reminds me of my grandma.

1 comment:

  1. hahahahha, i love the picture of you with the black hands! omg i just died... they actually filmed this place in religulous.... hilarious. in less than 2 months i get to see you!!!!!!!


