24 October 2009


Almost every night since I’ve been here, I’ve had the most vivid dreams. A lot of times they involve my friends. I had one where Jessie and I were taking a cruise together and we were running away from her boyfriend. I had one in which Rachel and I were listening to music and I was trying to find this one song to show her and I went through every CD I had with no luck. Sometimes, they are really odd and ridiculous. But usually, they are really miniscule events, even down to looking at my hands and realizing my nail polish is chipping. They are always very real and when I wake up in the morning, I have to remind myself where I am and tell myself that these things didn’t actually happen. I’ve always had dreams, but never as often and never as realistic. It’s bizarre.

My theory is that my brain is working on overtime, as I attempt to wrap my mind around an entirely different language. So, when I go to bed, it just doesn’t really know how to slow down. This would also explain why I am able to sleep 9-12 hours each night.

Amparo has a different theory, mainly that I miss all you guys. In the same breath, she also told me that I am very brave for coming to a place alone that’s so far away from all the people that I love. A place in which I don’t know anybody or the language (very well). I wanted to tell her that yeah, it is hard (meh!) but she’s done more than she knows in making the transition easier for me. Of course, all I could get out was “Gracias.”


  1. It's me again. I am completely intrigued by your entries and look forward to reading them. I told your mom last night how talented a writer I think you are. We are very proud of you. Love ya.

    Christine T.

  2. The dreaming is in your genetic make up. I remember as a little girl Mom-Mom would tell me her dreams. She also had an uncanny knack of foretelling the future (after it happened that is). However, if you start dreaming numbers let me know..... By the way, all you are missing in Philadelphia is rain, rain and more rain.
